Or, if using a different distro, use the equivalent package manager instructions. Update the apt package index, and install the latest version of Docker Compose: The Convoy plugin is a volume plugin for a variety of storage back-ends. found on the Docker Engine installation pages to check the instructions. Understand Engine plugins You can extend the capabilities of the Docker Engine. Go to the “Set up the repository” section of the chosen Linux distribution. If you have already set up the Docker repository jump to step 2. Configure Docker to use the convoy storage plug-in Operating Environment Rootdocker-node-1 Docker version Client: version: 1.13. To run Compose as a non-root user, see Manage Docker as a non-root user.

we need to set up our Docker installation so that it loads the plugin: sudo. These instructions assume you already have Docker Engine and Docker CLI installed and now want to install the Compose plugin.įor other Linux installation methods see this summary. Installing Convoy As already mentioned, we need to install Convoy on our. Note that this option requires you to manage upgrades manually as well. See the Install the plugin manually section on this page. Installing the Docker CLI Compose plugin manually. See the Install using the repository section on this page. Setting up Docker’s repository and using it to install Docker CLI Compose plugin. After installing Desktop for Linux, this is the recommended route. These scripts install Docker Engine and Docker CLI with the Compose plugin.įor this route, go to the Docker Engine install page and follow the provided instructions. There are many other volume driver plugins that allow you to create a volume on third-party solutions like Azure file storage, Convoy, DigitalOcean Block. To get started download the openapi spec into Postman or Insomnia. It receives event data from an HTTP API and sends these event data to the configured endpoints. Using the automated convenience scripts (for testing and development environments). Convoy is a fast & secure webhooks service. It provides persistent volumes for Docker containers and supports snapshots, backups, and. Create Docker volumes on AWS, supported by all the features and performance of Elastic Block Store.

Convoy, an open-source Docker volume driver, can snapshot, backup, and restore Docker volumes anywhere. The following other methods are possible: Convoy volume plugin: Making it easy to manage data in Docker. It is a Docker volume plugin created by Rancher for managing persistent container volumes.